We are a home business located in the Dufferin and Glencarin area, about 5 minutes south of Yorkdale Mall. As a home kitchen, our exact address is kept private until an order is placed but you can enter in our postal code M6B1Y7 into any navigation system to estimate travel time for pick-up! Once you place an order, you will receive a confirmation email with all the pick-up instructions including the exact location address.
Yes we do! An order minimum of a dozen cupcakes is required per destination. Get in touch with us to receive a quote for delivery.
Alternatively, customers have frequently used Uber to transport cupcakes. While, I would always love to meet you or hand deliver them myself, I know life can get busy and/or the order minimum is more than you needed for that Friday night movie snack. For Uber pick-up, please send your Uber Package at the same time as your selected pick-up time. Please note, we are not responsible for any damages that happen during transportation if you choose to go this route. This is not recommended for cakes of any size.
Hell yes! While the pop-up items are limited they’re always available with a minimum order of $200 per item. For example, if the item is $14 you would need to order 15 units of that item. Send us an email and we will gladly get you an updated price list and/or invoice to get your order signed, sealed and possibly, if required, delivered.
We wouldn’t change our signature filled cupcakes for the world, that being said, in less words, we do not customize them. Our cupcakes are known for their flavours, perfectly balanced and crafted; along with their big ol’ toppings. While, we are happy to customize a cake or sweet table for you, our signature filled cupcakes are sold as is!
Order dates are released the week before the new month starts. If your desired date is within 30 days, but not listed on the checkout form, unfortunately that means we are fully booked.
Ordering is closed the Monday of that week (Friday/Saturday pick-up) at 10am or fully booked.
To place an order more than 30 days in advance, get in touch with us! We are so excited to be a part of your event!
Pick-up dates are unable to be changed once an order is placed. After all, if you move or cancel your order, someone else who was hoping to land that weekend may have missed their shot. We can’t have that.
Pick-up times can be changed up to 48 hours in advance, subject to availability. Pick-up times, unless otherwise discussed, are not to be earlier than 11 am or later than 6 pm on Fridays or 2 pm on Saturdays.
Well, that sucks. Orders are placed and orders are baked; unfortunately, this means that I cannot issue you a refund should you need to cancel your order. If you can’t make it, have some else grab your goodies for you! Sharing is caring and food is love, after all.